Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Frau Koch

When I left Dortmund I never would have imagined that I would have met another dear old Frau Koch. In Dortmund for 8 months, my companion and I would visit Frau Koch every Sunday night. It was amazing to see her light up every time we would come over. She would always have something prepared for us to eat, to drink, and was ready to discuss the Book of Mormon. By the time I left, she was praying, she went to church twice, and she thought more positively. She did tell us however that she would never be baptized, but told us that after she died I could be baptized for her. Her heart and my heart broke when I got transferred, and I left never thinking I'd meet anyone like her ever again. Well its funny how Heavenly Father places people in our path. When I got here to Frankfurt I heard that the sisters here were teaching a Frau Koch as well and I was super excited. My companion at the time told me that she had a stroke and that she wasn't able to see her for months. Then time rolled along and my companion got transferred and I received Sister Miller. Together we were going through people to find and try and contact. I came upon this wonderful woman, Frau Koch. I couldn't seem to get her name out of my mind. So one day, I took the phone and called her. She answered and when we asked if we could come by took no time to reply, "Oh natürlich!!!" ("Of course!!"). We trodded our way down her street not knowing who she was or what she expected, but we went in with high hopes. She opened the door and the 85 year old lady had a walker but had a huge smile behind it awaiting us. We sat down and got to chatting. She explained her remarkable history and contact that she has had with the church since she was 12 years old. Her father and stepmother were baptized here in Frankfurt/Offenbach and unfortunately died in the war in 1945. The only thing that got her through those moments of darkness and fear was her best friend. Her best friend was always making the best of situations and had a different "light" about her. She soon afterwards found out that she was LDS and since those times, Frau Koch and her have been friends ever since. Her friend lives now in Sacramento, California and they still write to each other. Frau Koch has gone over to see her, and to Salt Lake City to visit. At the end of this story I was so shocked that I didn't even hear what she said afterwards. Apparently she has been in contact with the church all her life and has shared it with her family. They all live in Switzerland they and she finally have decided to be baptized. On the 16th of June, she will enter the waters of baptism with her daughter, son in law, and her two grandchildren :) I cannot even guess what the joy and excitement her friend will experience when she finds out!! I just remember Hermana Avery's reaction after telling her that I wanted that same desire and I will never forget it... I am so grateful for meeting Frau Koch and looking at her situation and now her desire to take that next step of faith. It is never too late to begin believing. It is never too late to change. Liebe, Sister Tuschling

Monday, April 15, 2013

A really busy week!

We had a really super busy week!! As you know, last week I was double training Sister Miller and Sister Smith. It was good, I really enjoyed it. It was hard but I learned a lot. Tuesday we had a day of go bys and it was really tiring!! We have a list of people that we need to contact and see where they are at, and so we worked on this list. This meant that we really had to walk everywhere, ride Bahns, and again walk walk walk. We were so tired by the end of that day!! But we met a nice Italian man at the Eiscafe that we stopped by. I made sure that Sister Miller and Sister Smith had their first Italian Ice Cream and they loved it!! And it was actually really nice to talk to the man about religion and how he misses Italy but it happy to be independent working in Germany. I love talking and getting to know so many people's backgrounds and experiences. The next day was insane too! We had the opportunity to take a recent convert who is living in Paris studying design but is from China out on a split! Sister Miller and Sister Smith took her out with a list of names and appointments to make, and I went with the two Berlin Sisters who needed some real missionary work. It was good for Miller and Smith to get out and get to know Frankfurt the best way = getting lost haha. They did but they did great!! The only way to grow is when we are pushed to do something that we really don't know what or how to do it. And so Sister Prince and Sister Moon and I were able to visit people as well. They were so grateful and we didn't get a hold of anybody that we planned for but I believe that getting those two out of the office was worth. Small and simple things :) And I love making people's day!! Not to mention that I grew as well = getting lost in Frankfurt too haha Whoever thought about sending a Wyoming girl to a huge city in Germany has some humor :) We all met up later that night and shared what we learned and we were off to a meeting with the ward! I love our ward so much. They are so dedicated and on top of everybody. They have 93% home and visiting teaching!! And Bishop was gone for 3 weeks and man am I sad glad that he is back!! I love that guy so much!! We visited a lady in the hospital the other day and it was so nice to see her light up when she saw us. The moment they light up, I light up and for that I am so grateful. We sang songs for her, read from the scriptures for her, and then we had to leave. Right when I was putting on my backpack, she grabs my arms, and looks me in the eyes the best that she could anyways and said, "Pray for me." I couldn't help it, tears were in my eyes and I was a goner. I said that I would, and she has been in my prayers ever since. I love moments like that. It truly helps me see how much of a difference it makes when someone comes and shows just a tad bit of love; a compliment, a smile, a hug, a handshake, holding of the hand, a song to sing, a moment just looking into their eyes the way Christ would, they are all priceless, but yet mean the world to someone. I look for moments like that every day, and I am surprised when I find at least one a day. We can touch someone's life so easily, why don't we do it more? I love the feeling of helping other and making others feel special, because they are special. Everyone matters. Liebe, Sister Tuschling

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Happy General Conference!!

There is so much that happened this week and not enough time or words to even describe it all so I will try and put it all together, and have it make sense!! I just received news that my branch back home, the Casper YSA Branch is now a ward!!! So exciting!! That is absolutely amazing!! President Donely had a vision and it is really coming true and its due to the hard work of the members and also of the dear missionaries there. I am so proud of them :) The work is truly rolling forward!! I also just received word that a man that my companion (my trainer) and I taught in my first area that moved back to America just got baptized this last week! He was a rock when we were there but had problems with the tea and coffee. It is amazing to see the seeds that we plant. We never know if it is making a difference, but I want to testify to you all that it does. We met with this man and he spoke to me to my face and said that he would never ever be able to give up beer, coffee, or tea. And even though he said that we still taught him in faith. And now he has the opportunity to spend the rest of eternity with his family when they get sealed in the temple :) My trainer and I have the opportunity to see them get sealed in a year! Miracles! Wasn't conference so uplifting?!? I swear that it gets better and better every year. This time I actually wrote down questions and concerns that I have been having and because I did that, I knew in faith that they would be answered. I just didn't know how fast. By the end of the first session, 4 our of 6 were answered. The prophet, Thomas S. Monson is called of God and so are the Apostles. They speak for Him, and I know that when we follow their council on what we should do with our families and our personal lives, we cannot fail. We will be blessed. And I am so grateful that I have the answers to my prayers and that I have something to work for. I was also able to go back to my first area, Mainz and Wiesbaden, again! I was hoping that I would go back and do good and to uplift that area even more. Sister Hull (new 19 year old Sister!) who has been in the mission field for about 2 weeks was there and we worked our little heineys off! We served a pregnant woman, visited old ladies, and studied and uplifted each other by talking about missions and how to really get all that we can out of them. We taught each other on what we learned in study, we planned for the days activities, we helped each other with our German (and man I feel like a professional now in German and its amazing to see how far I have actually have come in the language) and it was perfect. It wasI I had a blast! We then went to a family's home to teach them more about prayer and it was Sister Hull's 2nd time there so we were really praying in our hearts to do well. Right off the bat the mom came in and wanted to learn about everything we had prepared. She started shooting out questions left and right and it was amazing to see the gospel curiousity really come out of her. It is always a treasure and rare feeling to feel like you were at a place at the right time, with the right people and this was one of those appointments. The woman asked me how prayer and has helped me in my life, and why I kept on going back to the church over and over again after a year and a half. She asked why I got baptized, and when I thought I was ready, and I answered them all with a smile on my face, tears in my eyes, and spoke what the Spirit helped me to speak. It was amazing and I will never forget that appointment. I love my Father in Heaven. I love His Son Jesus Christ. And I know that this is His church. There are too many things that happen perfectly. And I have always believed that things never happen by coincidence. Everything has a reason behind it on why it happened, and I know that to be true. I know that I was here to teach Hunter when I did. I know that General Conferene answers questions of the soul that we need to hear. The words that they speak come from God. I know that my time in Mainz not only helped me leave with a good taste of my first area, but I was there to help that woman come closer to Christ. And I was uplifted and reminded of the beautiful plan Heavenly Father has for us because He places people in our paths everyday, just like He placed Hermana Avery in my path. I know it had to be so I could get to know Him, and come closer to Him. I love Him, because He first loved me. I just had to open my eyes to see it :) Liebe, Sister Tuschling

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Happy Easter!

We were at Sister Chaves' last night and Erico made some delicious food that he created when he was in college and it was amazing. The best thing I could ever come up with was cereal, but the point of this is that he opened up to me and told me his past and it was really cool. We gave a thought about testimonies and conversions and I asked both of them to bear their testimonies on Sunday for Sacrament, and he said he was already singing for the choir and he needs to save his voice, but when I bore my testimony to him while looking straight into his eyes and asked him again he didn't say anything :) We will see but he is doing so good. He is reading the Old Testament and the Book of Mormon :) We were able to teach more about Christ and Easter to an adorable family this week, and teach them all the English words to the Easter category and they had a really hard time with Resurrection, and Crucifixion. I guess those words really are difficult. I am blessed to have learned English as a native language. It would be pretty complicated to understand otherwise. But as we were teaching about the characteristics of Christ, they ended up really enjoying learning about him when usually they are running around. They stayed put. What a blessing because then the Spirit was able to be present and it was a little tender mercy to truly testify of the Savior on how He helps us be better people. And that is why we are to be more like Him. I am grateful for Easter and the Spirit we are able to enjoy. I love my Savior and I am so grateful he did everything for me so that I can bless other people. When we look for opportunities to help someone else, they are always there. We were on the street the other day and we saw a man who appeared to be homeless, sleeping on a bench. I felt like I needed to help him, but I didn't know how. So then I looked around and saw a McDonald's. Sister Miller and I walked over and bought a burger off the dollar menu. We walked back hoping he was still there, he was :) Just snoozing away. We then tried waking him up, failed attempt. So we just left the burger next to his hand so when he woke up, he could see some food so he could eat. We have the capabilities and the right tools to help our brothers and sisters. Let us do that my friends :) Happy Easter! Liebe, Sister Tuschling